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Honorary Doctorates

The Department of Pharmacy provides, for more than 40 years, top-level studies in Pharmaceutical Science, while also producing internationally recognized research work in collaboration with higher education institutions and research centers at home and abroad.

In this context, the Department has awarded the highest academic distinction of the Honorary Doctor to leading scientists with significant contribution and international recognition, as well as to prominent personalities who have distinguished themselves in their fields of activity.

†Professor Panagiotis Κatsoyannis 1997

Professor Christoph Hohbach 2000

His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I 2000

Professor Kyriakos Nikolaou 2002

†Professor Fotis C. Kafatos 2005

Professor Andrew V. Schally 2010

Professor Athanassios Giannis 2010

Professor Kurt Wüthrich 2015

Dr. Albert Boula 2023

Professor Emeritus Gregory Gregoriadis 2023

Professor Lucia A. Banci 2024


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